Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Meal packets rendezvous is a unique multi level
marketing networking company mapped out to change people’s lives positively by empowering them, providing financial freedom ensuring adequate food supply on weekly basis, thereby making sure that people overcome the economic crisis in the society.reREAD MORE

The word Rendezvous means a place of meeting or gathering of people for positive deliberations. In this context therefore, Meal Packets Rendezvous is a place or Arena where members from all works of life and background gather together in order to better their lives in terms of Empowerment, financial upliftment, food security/sufficiency, Leadership Training and Humanitarian services.
The whole idea was conceived out of zeal and passion to help others achieve there life time ambitions. Most families find it difficult to eat 3 square meals daily , salaries or wages are delayed in most cases and where they eventually come they are been slashed to the barest minimum . Hardship, hunger and strife are the order of the day. Meal packets rendezvous ensures that in the face of all these hardships, there is hope for their members in terms of steady food supply, financial empowerment and Humanitarian services. 

Why we founded MPR

  •  To eradicate poverty.
  •  To ensure food security by supplying food items to members on weekly basis.
  •  To provide humanitarian aid and support.
  •  To fight against starvation and Mal-nutrition.
  •  To overcome hunger and strife.
  •  To ensure a healthily life style.
  •  To meet the basic nutritional needs

Vision Statement

"To dignify, respect and empower people globally and to eradicate poverty and mal nutrition from the society, by making sure members receive adequate supply of food items and financial empowerment to enable them stand up right and achieve their goals in life."to be part of this unique Network call  make money eat well and become financially free by joining through this link or call 08157757912, 08032577547

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