In the video released recently, The President was seen in his office at the Villa opening his facebookpage only to discover about 32,000 curses placed on his wall.
Mr President: “Na-wa-ooo…why are these people just swearing curse on my page na?”
Mr President Contd: “Mark, my good friend”, but was cut short by an angry Mark Zuckerberg on the other half of the screen.
Mark Zuckerberg: “Sir, sir, I need you to move your page off Facebook, demanded Zuckerberg,“You can take it to Myspace,
Friendster…anywhere dude, just move it bro!”
Mr President: “But why?”
Mark Zuckerberg: “Like dude, the heavy curses on your page are melting our servers mehn! I don’t know what you did to piss those people off, but it’s totally uncool, bro.”
Mr President: “But, I like Facebook”
You can watch the full video above: