The First Lady, Her Excellency Aisha Buhari is set to formally launch the Get Involved component of her Future Assured Initiative.
Get Involved is an initiative
aimed at raising awareness on the issues of Malnutrition, advocating
for the underprivileged women and children; and victims of insurgency in
the North Eastern part of Nigeria. It is painfully true that 2.5million
children are malnourished in the country and without intervention,
500,000 children will die this year, thus the urgent need for
extraordinary interventions.
In addition, the Get Involved
Initiative Programme provides well meaning individuals and organisations
the opportunity to contribute their quota to ending the menace of
malnutrition in Nigeria.
It is against this background that companies and manufacturers have been invited to display their products for donor patronage.
Date: August 29th to September 3rd 2016
Time: 9AM to 5PM Daily
Venue: International Conference Centre, Abuja
Time: 9AM to 5PM Daily
Venue: International Conference Centre, Abuja
Earlier this month, the initiative launched the #GetInvolved Campaign to raise funds for children in need.
Help save 500,000 children’s lives this year. Take a picture holding up the hashtag #getinvolved with details on how to donate to this initiative. Will you get involved? Please send help to needy children, please give milk, blankets, socks, underwear. Do you have to share?
Wife of the Vice President Dolapo Osinbajo, photographer TY Bello and Leila Fowler have already joined the cause by taking a photo of themselves and the hash tag.